Passive forms in writing
Much like the -- in my view wrong -- idea that scientific writing goes without the first person, I regularly come across the idea that the passive form should be avoided at
Much like the -- in my view wrong -- idea that scientific writing goes without the first person, I regularly come across the idea that the passive form should be avoided at
Published earlier in the not-so-formal weekly of my department.
It seems to be hard-wired into the brains of many students, that scientific writing by definition goes without the first person, and preferably even in the passive voice.
Everyone producing text can learn a thing or two from the craft of creative writing.
Underlying seemingly unterminable discussions, different interpretations of words can often be pinpointed as the cause of trouble.
The following remarks and questions on problem statements form a rather loose and unstructured collection. The are phrased in a seemingly silly and even caricatural style.