
G. Valkenburg, Energy Justice as Epistemic Justice, Ethics, Policy & Environment, no. online first, 2024. (750.4 KB)
G. Valkenburg, An Enquiry into Modes of Non-Existence, Science, Technology, & Human Values, vol. online first, 2024. (270.22 KB)
A. E. Silvast, Virtanen, M. J. , Valkenburg, G. , and Kongsager, R. , How does science and technology studies contribute to climate mitigation research? Advanced review of infrastructure as a concept and method, WIREs Climate Change, vol. e888, 2024. (1.91 MB)
J. K. Tijdink, Valkenburg, G. , De Rijcke, S. , and Dix, G. , Relational responsibilities: Researchers perspective on current and progressive assessment criteria: A focus group study, PLOS ONE, vol. 19, no. 9, p. e0307814, 2024. (438.19 KB)
I. Fuchs, Sanchez-Solis, C. , Balderrama, S. , and Valkenburg, G. , Swarm electrification for Raqaypampa: Impact of different battery control setpoints on energy sharing in interconnected solar homes systems, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, vol. 40, no. 101535, 2024. (4.91 MB)
A. E. Silvast and Valkenburg, G. , Energy citizenship: A critical perspective, Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 98, no. 102995, pp. 1-6, 2023. (388.51 KB)
C. Foulds et al., Implementing Mission-oriented Experiments: Recommendations on Epistemic Inclusion for City Stakeholders Working in Climate Change Initiatives, Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 55-76, 2023.
G. Valkenburg, Temporality in epistemic justice, Time & Society, 2022. (570.15 KB)
P. Pandey, Valkenburg, G. , Mamidipudi, A. , and Bijker, W. E. , "All we want, is to get rid of the straw": How biofuel policies need to be multiple, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 4-23, 2021. (714.39 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Engineering as a social-political practice, in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Engineering, D. P. Michelfelder and Doorn, N. , Eds. 2021.
G. Valkenburg, Dix, G. , Tijdink, J. , and De Rijcke, S. , Expanding research integrity: a cultural-practice perspective, Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 27, no. 10, 2021. (658.11 KB)
G. Dix, Kaltenbrunner, W. , Tijdink, J. , Valkenburg, G. , and De Rijcke, S. , Algorithmic Allocation: Untangling Rival Considerations of Fairness in Research Management, Politics and Governance, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 15-25, 2020. (838.58 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Consensus or Contestation: Reflections on Governance of Innovation in a Context of Heterogeneous Knowledges, Science, Technology and Society, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 341-356, 2020. (755.84 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Dix, G. , Tijdink, J. , and de Rijcke, S. , Making researchers responsible: attributions of responsibility and ambiguous notions of culture in research codes of conduct, BMC Medical Ethics, vol. 21, no. 56, pp. 1-13, 2020. (589.83 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Mamidipudi, A. , Pandey, P. , and Bijker, W. E. , Responsible innovation as empowering ways of knowing, Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 6-25, 2020. (2.12 MB)
P. Pandey, Valkenburg, G. , Mamidipudi, A. , and Bijker, W. E. , RRI in the Global South: Agriculture, Renewable Energy and the Pursuit of Symmetry, Science, Technology and Society, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 215-222, 2020. (612.34 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Engineers and the multiplicity of knowledge, in An engineer with a humanist's soul: humanistic issues of technological world, J. Sośnicka, Ed. Lodz, Poland: Lodz University of Technology Press, 2019, pp. 291-303.
S. de Rijcke et al., Evaluative Inquiry: Engaging research evaluation analytically and strategically, fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, no. 48, pp. 176-182, 2019.
G. Valkenburg, Epistemic justice, 2018. (621.36 KB)
G. Valkenburg and Van Lente, H. , Technology and Social Problems, in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, A. J. Treviño, Ed. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 489-502.
P. Pandey, Valkenburg, G. , Mamidipudi, A. , and Bijker, W. E. , The key to resolving straw burning: farmers’ expertise. Policy brief on missing cultural perspectives, Maastricht University, Maastricht, 2017. (1.19 MB)
G. Valkenburg, Security technologies versus citizen roles?, Science as Culture, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 307-329, 2017. (248 KB)
P. Pandey, Valkenburg, G. , Mamidipudi, A. , and Bijker, W. E. , Stubble burning and pollution: It’s a question of dignity and identity of farmers, The Hindustan Times, 2017. (2.7 MB)
G. Valkenburg and Cotella, G. , Governance of energy transitions: about inclusion and closure in complex sociotechnical problems, Energy, Sustainability and Society, vol. 6, no. 20, pp. 1-11, 2016. (937.75 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Klüver, Lars; Nielsen, Rasmus Øjvind; and Jørgensen, Marie Louise: Policy-oriented technology assessment across Europe. Expanding Capacities., Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 182-184, 2016.
F. Gracceva, Valkenburg, G. , and Zeniewski, P. , Reducing uncertainty through a systemic risk-management approach, in Low-carbon Energy Security from a European Perspective, P. Lombardi and Grünig, M. , Eds. London, UK: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 231-256.
K. Owczynik and Valkenburg, G. , Risk identities: constructing actionable problems in Dutch youth, in Digitizing Identities, I. Van der Ploeg and Pridmore, J. , Eds. New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 103-124.
G. Valkenburg and Gracceva, F. , Towards governance of energy security, in Low-carbon Energy Security from a European Perspective, P. Lombardi and Grünig, M. , Eds. London, UK: Academic Press, 2016, pp. 207-229.
S. Braun, Friedewald, M. , and Valkenburg, G. , Civilizing Drones: Military Discourses Going Civil?, Science & Technology Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 73-87, 2015. (516.96 KB)
G. Valkenburg and Van der Ploeg, I. , Materialities between security and privacy: A constructivist account of airport security scanners, Security Dialogue, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 326-344, 2015.
G. Valkenburg, Privacy versus security: problems and possibilities for the trade-off model, in Reforming Data Protection: The Global Perspective, S. Gutwirth, Leenes, R. , and De Hert, P. , Eds. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, pp. 253-269.
G. Valkenburg, Bijker, W. E. , and Swierstra, T. E. , Secure and Low-Carbon Energy is Citizens’ Energy. A manifesto for human-based governance of secure and low-carbon energy transitions, The MILESECURE2050 project, Maastricht / Torino, 2015. (4.95 MB)
G. Valkenburg and Cotella, G. , Unpacking the governance of energy transition. A conceptual framework, in Definite Space - Fuzzy Responsibility. AESOP Annual Congress, Prague, 2015.
G. Valkenburg, Van der Ploeg, I. , Roosendaal, A. , Huijboom, N. , and Van Veenstra, A. F. , Report on mutual shaping processes between technologies and conceptions of privacy and security, The PRISMS Project, 2013.
G. Valkenburg, Technoethics and Public Reason, International Journal of Technoethics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 72-84, 2013.
G. Valkenburg, Bruno Latour: On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods, Science Studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 71-73, 2012. (47.96 KB)
E. Aarden, Penders, B. , Deibel, E. , and Valkenburg, G. , L'Aquila: governance flaws exposed, Nature, vol. 491, no. 08 November 2012, p. 192, 2012. (91.49 KB)
G. Valkenburg, The Netherlands, in Encyclopedia of Energy, M. A. Pierce, Ed. Salem Press / Golson Media, 2012.
G. Valkenburg, Ook impliciete woorden van de paus doen ertoe, Trouw, 2012.
G. Valkenburg, Sustainable technological citizenship, European Journal of Social Theory, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 471-487, 2012.
G. Valkenburg, Technological change and the destabilization of liberal politics, in The Good Life in a Technological Age, P. A. E. Brey, Briggle, A. , and Spence, E. H. , Eds. Routledge, 2012, pp. 339-348.
G. Valkenburg, Dood of monddood? Onwelkome geluiden in het debat over embryoselectie, in Moralicide. Nieuwe morele vocabulaires voor technologie, M. Huijer and Smits, M. , Eds. Kampen: Klement, 2010, pp. 160-174.
G. Valkenburg, Breinpil zal heel gewoon worden, Trouw, no. 24, 2009. (239.97 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Politics by All Means - An Enquiry into Technological Liberalism. Enschede: University of Twente / 3TU.Center for Ethics and Technology, 2009.
G. Valkenburg, De transistor, een schakelaar voor de moderne tijd, in De bètacanon. Wat iedereen moet weten van de natuurwetenschappen, R. Dijkgraaf, Fresco, L. , van Weezel, T. Gualthéri, and Van Calmthout, M. , Eds. Amsterdam: De Volkskrant/Meulenhoff, 2008, pp. 33-35.
G. Valkenburg, Technologie als betekenis, in Deus et machina. De verwevenheid van technologie en religie, Mv. Well, Ed. Den Haag: STT, 2008, pp. 210-215.
G. Valkenburg, CO2-compensatie werkt averechts, Milieudefensie Magazine, 2007.
G. Valkenburg, Klimaatneutraal vliegen is niet meer dan uitstel van executie, De Volkskrant, no. 13, 2007.
G. Valkenburg, Schakelaar voor modern bestaan: De Transistor, De Volkskrant, no. 3, 2007. (232.62 KB)
G. Valkenburg, Achterhuis, H. J. , and Nijhof, A. , Fundamental shortcomings of evidence-based medicine, Journal of health organization and management, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 463-471, 2003.